One Week to Apply to Become a Member of the GMP

Deadline to apply: January 17, 2022

What past GMP members have said about the experience:

“The thing I appreciate most about the ITF is that it is run only by trans people, and that makes our entire process so unique from other funders. Being in a space that only has other trans individuals was freeing. (…It’s) amazing to hear and read about all the work that’s been done (and is being done) around the world for trans people, by trans people. It feels very empowering and makes me feel hopeful for the future.” – Mikee Inton

“It was a great challenge, because we had to provide grants to so few movements in the trans world with so many different needs. I wish there were a lot more funding, so that we could support more communities. On a personal level, it provided great satisfaction, knowing that even in a small part, it contributed to improving the quality of lives of my peers quite a bit.” – Alex Castillo

The ITF is looking for committed, collaborative and experienced trans activists to join our Grant Making Panel (GMP) for a two-year term. We are a participatory grantmaking fund that takes an activist-led approach that engages trans people in our grantmaking process. This means that trans people are actively involved at every stage, from determining funding priorities to reviewing applications and making decisions about which groups get funded. The role of the GMP is to review grant proposals submitted to the ITF and make decisions on these grant applications in line with our priorities and principles.

GMP members must be able to attend and actively participate in an annual 6-day in person or virtual meeting, participate in online trainings each year and review 30-50 applications. We are deeply committed to ensuring that trans community members who are most affected by intersecting oppressions are able to participate in this process. GMP members will receive an honorarium of USD$1000 each year of their term and will also receive travel expenses, including per diem, to attend ITF meetings.

The deadline to apply is January 17, 2022. If you are interested, you can learn more here.

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